
The Herald of Dawn

Name: Solstice Emmers    Alias: Daybreak    Gender: Male
Age: 23    Height: 6'    Weight: 236 lbs
Orientation: Gay    Power Dynamic: Soft Switch
Position: Versatile, leaning Bot
Relationship Status: Single & Not Looking

Solstice is known for his unapologetic heart of gold and saintly humility. He's always happy
to help others and listen to their troubles, although he very rarely speaks about himself.
Daybreak meanwhile balances a very idyllic hero persona that inspires hope in the people, with a mortal and empathic compassion proven through constant word and deed.
Solstice Bio:
Solstice lives with his adoptive mother in a closely-knit suburban community, known
within this circle for being a role model for maturity and altruism. While he is quite often volunteering and helping anyone and everyone, he can sometimes be hard to catch and often keeps to himself unless approached.
His most frequent haunts take him to the local foster home as an
assistant caretaker the local game store as a part time worker,
or exercising and training in martial arts at an old friend's dojo.

Daybreak Bio:
Daybreak is a humble and respected middle rank superhero known for being a
hero of the people. Often seen talking to ordinary citizens to learn their stories, he enjoys growing intimate with those he's sworn to protect, and kindling hope in their hearts.
Initially, he prevented crimes of all types. He was proactive to the point where
he would quell threats before they became incidents. When a sudden and perilous
danger emerged, he and the Hero league defended the people with all their strength.
The threat was vanquished, and for his efforts and achievements, Daybreak was
invited to join the Hero League and their ranks.
Daybreak's unique power is his ability to emit a powerful solar energy form.
He uses this power to bolster his punches, fire destructive solar projectiles,
and create blinding bursts of light. This power also allows him to harness energy
from direct sunlight, boosting his upper limit and replenishing expended energy.
Daybreak also has enhanced physical strength, bodily durability, stamina,
speed and even flight, however the extent of these powers are only marginal at best
compared to his main powers and are not affected by sunlight.


  • Power Draining
    + Milking + Suppression

  • Becoming a Power Source/Battery

  • Remote-Control Discipline

  • Non-consensual + Defeat

  • Spandex Superhero Costumes

  • Forced Slutty Hero Costumes

  • Bulge Groping + Grinding

  • Resistance + Defiance

  • Long-Term/Prolonged Downfall

  • Immobilization
    & Imprisonment

  • Sex through Spandex

  • Master/Slave + Pet


  • Instant Defeat

  • Bad Ends

  • Tentacles

  • Memory Play
    + Sleeper Triggers

  • Aphrodisiacs

  • Gangbang + Bukkake

  • Male Lactation

  • Nightclubs + Forced Prostitution

  • Rubber + Symbiotes

  • Slime + Goo

  • Training + Discipline

  • Lima + Stockholm Syndrome


  • Mindbreak

  • Hypnosis/Brainwashing

  • Belly Bulging (Cock/Cum)

  • Knots + Animal Genitalia

  • Vanilla Sex (Oral /Anal)

  • Naked Bodies / Cocks

  • Orgasm Control + Denial

  • Chastity + Sex Toys

  • Exhibitionism

  • Torture + Edging

  • Musk + Sweat

  • Body Worship


  • Transformation

  • Growth + Macro + Hyper

  • Pedophilia

  • Beastiality

  • Inflation + Weight Gain

  • Cum Inflation + Bloating

  • AB/DL

  • Watersports / Scat

  • Adultery/Cuckolding

  • Vore

  • Breathplay

  • Fatality/Death + Gore

RP Information
Personal Age: 20
Timezone: EST (GMT-5)
Preferred RP Methods: Discord, Story-Focused, Long-Term RP,
NSFW & SFW, Literate, Medium Responses (4-6 sentences)
RP Activity: Very Low & Friends Only
When I first entered the online furry space, I was met so many people, and had no small amount of offers for Roleplay.
Lately however, my interest in RP has waned considerably, my priorities shifted and my energy for them dropped.
I only engage in one RP consistently and find it hard to commit to any more, especially One-Shots focused solely on sexual themes.
I'm flattered if you are one of the people interested in RPing with me, but I am currently not looking for new partners.
Nickname: Daybreak, Day, Solace, Sol
Pronouns: He/Him
Nationality: Canadian
Relationship Status: Taken and Open
Interests: Touhou Project (Touhou: Lost Word), Card Games (M:TG actively)
Final Fantasy XIV, League of Legends, Board Games, Dungeons & Dragons
Featured Games: Devil Survivor 2, Touhou Puppet Dance Performance, Eden's Last Sunrise
About Myself:
In a group or public space, my personality manifests as a
bratty, cocky brashness that often says whatever comes to mind.
In private however, I'm usually pretty introverted and rarely seek out company.
I don't entertain small talk, and most conversations can't keep my focus for long.
But at my core I'd like to think I'm a considerate individual that wears his anxious
and compassionate heart on his sleeve. I'm understanding of others situations,
respect boundaries and show my support when it counts.
In that sense, I'd like to think I'm maybe not a good friend to talk to, because I don't talk much myself
But if you need a friend to vent to, want to nerd out about something or a friend who has your back...
I guess that could be me. I'm always happy to meet new people, so don't be afraid to say hi.
Trust me, I'm just as socially awkward and nervous as you are.
Thanks for reading all the way through.
It may not mean much to you, but knowing there are people who think highly of me is...
Very humbling and inspiring. I've been so lucky to meet many great people ever since I started.
Anyhow, this is Solace, signing out! See you later. <3